Custom Entity One Click

From Crystal Manager for Sage CRM
Revision as of 22:01, 31 January 2013 by Crmtogether (talk | contribs)

Functionality available as of 3rd May 2012

There is some manual work to create a one click button into a custom entity in CRM.

We provide the details here as well as sample code.

The button in this example is created in an ASP page (Sample entity is Project and summary page is created using CRM Entity Wizard)

In the report we have created a parameter called "projid". When we upload this report to CRM we set the "Use Query String Value" to be "ProjectID"

Within the Project summary page we add the following:

    var rpturl=CRM.Url("CRViewer/Default.aspx")+ "&rptname=project.rpt&ProjectID="+UseId;
    Container.AddButton(CRM.Button("Project Crystal Report","edit.gif",rpturl, "Project", "EDIT"));

The line

   var rpturl=CRM.Url("CRViewer/Default.aspx")+ "&rptname=project.rpt&ProjectID="+UseId;

builds the url. You can see that we specify the reports name rptname=project.rpt and set the ProjectID value.

You can see that the url that the button has will look something like the following


As we have mapped the parameter to the query string value "ProjectID" you can see that this value goes in as "ProjectID=6000"

You can also have the report open as a pdf by appending "&pdfformat=Y" to the querystring (url)

    var rpturl2=CRM.Url("CRViewer/Default.aspx")+ "&rptname=project.rpt&ProjectID="+UseId+"&pdfformat=Y";
    Container.AddButton(CRM.Button("Project Crystal Report as PDF","edit.gif",rpturl2, "Project", "EDIT"));
  • for a WORD document use the querystring name value "wordformat"

E.G. wordformat=Y

The button in this example below is created by adding in some code to the custom content which creates a button when the page is loaded. You may need this where an add on was written using the .net sdk

Create a folder within the CRM "CustomPages" folder. In our example we will call this folder "CRMTogether".

Create a file there called "CRViewer.js".

Select a CRM screen that exists on the page you wish to create the button.

Within the "custom content" of that screen enter a path to the script

 <script src="../../custompages/CRMTogether/CRViewer.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script>

Enter the following script code into the page

 var ButtonGroup;
 //set the name of your CRM
 var CRMName="CRM";
 function addButton(name, caption, imgname, reportname, pdfformat, createcomm, CE, CE_ID, LE, backupKey)
   var rowCount = ButtonGroup.rows.length;
   var row = ButtonGroup.insertRow(rowCount);
   var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);


<A id="'+name+'1" CLASS=ButtonItem HREF="" ><IMG SRC="/'+CRMName+'/Themes/img/color/Buttons/'+imgname+'" BORDER=0 ALIGN=MIDDLE></A> <A id="'+ name+'2" CLASS=ButtonItem HREF="" >'+caption+'</A>


   var item1=document.getElementById(name+"1");
   var item2=document.getElementById(name+"2");
   if (item1.href.toLowerCase().indexOf(CE_ID)<1)  //use the backup key
   if (CE!="")
   if (CE_ID!="")
   if (LE!="")
   if (pdfformat==true)
   if (createcomm==true)

 //get the params sent in to the page
 var qsParm = new Array();
 function qs() 
   var query =;
   var parms = query.split('&');
   for (var i=0; i<parms.length; i++) 
     var pos = parms[i].indexOf('=');
     if (pos > 0) 
       var key = parms[i].substring(0,pos);
       var val = parms[i].substring(pos+1);
       qsParm[key] = val;
 function getButtonGroup()
   var ButtonGroup_col=document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
   for(var i=0;i<ButtonGroup_col.length;i++)
      if (ButtonGroup.className=="ButtonGroup")
 function buildURL(PagePath)
   var strFileName = PagePath;
   var strPath = document.URL;
   if (strPath.indexOf("eware.dll")!=-1)
     var arrayApp = strPath.split("eware.dll");  
     var arrayApp = strPath.split("CustomPages");
   var arrayContext = strPath.split("?");
   var strAppPath = arrayApp[0];
   var strContextInfo = arrayContext[1];
   strAddr= strAppPath + PagePath+"?"+strContextInfo+"&";
   return strAddr; 
 function CRMTogether_Onload()
   //here we add in the button
   addButton("Report", "Report", "edit.gif","testerrpt.rpt", true, true,"comm_testerid", "test_testerid","libr_testerid");

The "addButton" function adds in the button

addButton parameters

  1. name - name of the button
  2. caption - Caption of the button
  3. imgname - name of the image to display
  4. reportname - name of the report to use
  5. pdfformat - flag to show the report as a PDF
  6. createcomm - flag to create a communication
  7. CE - name of the communication id field
  8. CE_ID - - query string name value of the field that holds the main entity value
  9. LE - name of the library id field
  10. backupkey - second value (typically Key37) to look up as in CRM it varies how it uses/creates urls

Note: CE_ID is used as the querystring value picked up by the system as a parameter.